This assignment is to be done in pairs where me and my partner Kamal have already decided to work together again. I guess this is much easier for both of us since we both feel comfortable to work together. For assignment 2, we are required to develop the teaching materials from the video given which is "The Earth Song" by Michael Jackson. Instead of that, we are required to find another educational video that can be manipulated and developed as the teaching materials in the ESL classroom. Since there are two videos that we need to work on, so we have decided to do one each. Though, we did not really sit and work on the assignment togeteher, but we still keep in touch via "Yahoo Messanger" and e-mail to exchange ideas and opinions regarding to the videos that we have chosen to work on with. Well, this is what we call it as 'the world is just a mouse click away'. I guess, both me and Kamal has really make use of technology to the maximum. I think I better get started to search for the second video for this assegnment.
About Me
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Four Language skills
I guess that i had any other choice now. By hook or crook I need to finish this "Four Language Skills" task before the holidays start. This is because, there are lots of task and assignments coming and of course, all of them need to be submitted after "Raya". All I can say is that, "I better get working". For this task, i decided to use e-book as the teaching aids. this is because, I chose to do a writing activity, thus, i guess e-book is more suitable to be used to develop a writing activity. Besides, I think e-book is practical to be used since we can include text, pictures as well as sounds clips in the e-book. Besides, I use e-book to compile all the ideas that I have came out with for the activity for that particular stage that i have chosen. From downloading, recording and photo editing, e-book requires me to use almost all the skills that I have learned. I guess, i better get working on the task now. Time to go...
Posted by Azimah at 1:17 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Working on the 4 skills
Well, i may say that it was quite confusing initially, to start on the four skills' task. The task for this time, we are required to do it in a group of four. My group chose the topic on Clothes. For this task, i was assigned to do the writing skills lesson, together with the descriptions, tutorials and rationale. I guess that i am already in the 'raya' mood, so it seems that i lost my fully concentration to work on the 'four skills' task. As the beginning, I looked back the previous assignments that i have done when I was in IPIK in order to get some ideas about the lesson that i am going to develop. Not only that, I even looked up for examples of activities that I could use or modify for this 'four skills' task from my little brother's tuition exercise book to generate some ideas. Though it is a good news that Pn. Foziah has extended the due date for the "four skills" task submission, but still, I need to start working on it, for at least I have the idea and once i have got back from holidays, I will finish the task later. All I can say is that, "give me streghth"..
Posted by Azimah at 11:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Posted by Azimah at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Video Editing
So You Think You Can Dance?
To be frank, this was my first time I open the 8tv website and to my surprise, I can just click to watch or download my favourite television programs or dramas as simple as that. Well, I guess I have to admit that the world is moving so fast nowadays. Since when, I can't even remember. as far as I could remember, everytime I heard some of my friends talk about the technology and the software that they found or use, I would just sitting back as if I can't even interrupt to what they are talking about. But now perharps I can flaunt for what I've learnt and discovered. Seddenly, I feel much more (perharps I could say it as) 'knowledgable' about programs and softwares compared to the old days.
Though I have to admit that, it wasn't that easy for me and my other group members to finish editing the "So You Think You Can Dance" video. "Downloading" is already a 'thing', while "editing" is another 'thing'. But I guess, editing is the most challenging part because it takes me to really spend time working in front of the computer. The most important thing that I have learnt from this task is, "save the video that you have edited to the file that can be opened in any computers" since I've experienced "lost files" and video and I end-up editing the video again and again. Resulting that, I have to extend few days to go back to my hometown for the mid-semester break in order to finish the task. "What an exprience..". But, there's another video editing task to be finished by Friday, 22 August. And of course, that is to be continued after I come back from my holidays...
Posted by Azimah at 6:10 PM 0 comments